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Apple iPad - First Generation iPad (2010-2011)
Apple iPad - First Generation iPad (2010-2011)
Apple iPad 1st Generation
The first iPad was released by Apple, Inc. on April 3rd, 2010. The device was announced by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs on January 27, 2010 at a press event. On April 30, 2010, Apple released the variant of the original iPad that had 3G cellular connectivity capabilities. The iPad had a retail price of $499. The device was generally praised by critics, who claimed that the iPad was a dangerous competitor to laptops. During the first 80 days of release, 3 million iPads were sold, and the sold units reached up to 15 million by the time the iPad 2 was released and the original iPad was discontinued on March 02, 2011.
Source: John and Carol Babina