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NeXT NeXTstation Line (1991-1993)
NeXT NeXTstation Line (1991-1993)
NeXT Computer, Inc. History
After being forced out of Apple by former Pepsi CEO, John Scully, Steve Jobs took some Apple employees and started a new company, NeXT, Inc. in 1985. Their computer products were high-end workstations that were aimed at the business and higher education markets. NeXT’s first computer product was the NeXT Computer, released in 1988. The computer was extremely expensive, priced at $6,500, so did not sell well. A NeXT Computer was used by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN as the first server when he created the World Wide Web. NeXT didn’t sell many computers in its lifetime, and was ultimately bought by Apple Computer in 1997 to bring Jobs back as CEO.
NeXTstation & NeXTstation Turbo
The NeXTstation, seen here, was NeXT’s third computer model after the NeXT Computer (1988) and the NeXTcube (1990). The NeXTstation was released in September 1990 as a more affordable alternative to the NeXTcube. It originally shipped with the 17” NeXT MegaPixel Display, which weighed a whopping 50 pounds! NeXT sold only about 50,000 units, and discontinued the NeXTstation in 1993. The NeXTstation Turbo was released in 1992 and discontinued in 1993.
Source: Mark Morton, from Connecticut
NeXTstation Color
The NeXTstation Color, released in 1991 and had a price of $6,500. It was discontinued in 1993. It was essentially a NeXTstation, but had the ability to support color graphics.
Donated by: Westport "Gift Economy" Member