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Apple II Line (1977-1993)
Apple II Line (1977-1993)
Apple IIe
The third entry into the ever-expanding Apple II line, was the Apple IIe. It was released in January 1983 for a price of $1,395. The “e” in the name stood for “Enhanced” since the computer had many features, that were previously add-on’s, built into the machine. The computer ultimately sold with the Apple Monitor III, which was originally sold with the failed Apple III computer in 1980. Also sold with the computer was the Apple Disk II, which was the preferred floppy disk drive for the Apple II, II Plus, and IIe. The Apple IIe sold well in the education market, and was used by schools to build elaborate computer labs. The Apple IIe was in production for almost 11 years, and was discontinued on November 15, 1993, putting an end to the Apple II line.
Source: eBay Auction
Apple IIc
The Apple IIc was released by Apple on April 24, 1984 for a price of $1295. It was Apple's first endeavor into the portable computer market, as the computer was essentially a IIe in a more compact case with a handle. It weighed 7.5 lbs, and you could buy an additional optional case for portable use. The "c" in the name stood for compact. You could buy an optional portable display, the "flat-panel display", for an additional cost. The computer was eventually discontinued in August 1988 when Apple released an updated model, the IIc Plus, which had a 3.5" floppy drive instead of the 5.25" drive that came with the original.
Donation: John Blackman