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Motorola StarTAC & Razr Lines (1992-2004)
Motorola StarTAC & Razr Lines (1992-2004)
Motorola StarTAC 130 & Clip-On Organizer
The Motorola StarTAC was released on January 3, 1996 by Motorola. It became the first flip-phone (or clamshell) model phone ever released. It was the successor to the Motorola MicroTAC line which was released in 1989. The StarTAC was among the first phones to gain widespread consumer adoption, selling 60 million units by the time the phone was discontinued. In 2004, the StarTAC brand was revived in some Asian markets.
The smaller thing on the right side is the Motorola StarTAC Clip-On Organizer (1997). It was kind of like a PDA organizer for the StarTAC.
Motorola Razr V3
The Motorola Razr V3 was the first cell phone in the Razr line, and was released in 2004 after an introduction in late 2003. It was the thinnest "flip-phone" available at the time, and featured a keypad that lit up in the dark. It sold 130 million units by the time it was discontinued and became the best-selling flip-phone of all time!
Donated by: Alan Sacks